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Dr hab. Piotr Kimla: Wojna amerykańsko-rosyjska na Ukrainie

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Z geopolitycznego punktu widzenia wojna na Ukrainie musi być postrzegana w sposób inny, niż przedstawiają to reżimowe szczekaczki. Ciekawy głos w dyskusji na temat konfliktu za naszą wschodnią granicą zaprezentował na łamach „Tygodnika Przegląd” dr hab. Piotr Kimla Instytutu Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Oto fragment:

Naturalną konsekwencją fiaska porozumienia amerykańsko-rosyjskiego jest porozumienie chińsko-rosyjskie. Bezsprzecznie jednak w interesie USA nie leży wytworzenie sytuacji, w której silna Rosja sprzymierza się z jeszcze potężniejszymi Chinami. Jeśli Rosja nie chce być antychińskim sojusznikiem Ameryki, to rzecz w tym, by uczynić ją jak najmniej użytecznym, jak najsłabszym sojusznikiem Chin. Oznacza to, że w Ukrainie, przyjmując konsekwentnie perspektywę wielkomocarstwową, toczy się obecnie wojna amerykańsko-rosyjska, tyle że strona amerykańska walczy ukraińskimi rękami. Wiemy z doświadczenia, że Amerykanie są biegli w takim sposobie prowadzenia wojen.

Nie chcę oczywiście powiedzieć, że odpowiedzialność za agresję Rosji na Ukrainę leży wyłącznie czy przede wszystkim po stronie amerykańskiej. To Moskwa podjęła decyzję o siłowym podporządkowaniu sobie sąsiada. Decyzja ta, abstrahując od wymiaru moralnego, pozostaje czymś niezwykle trudno wytłumaczalnym. Ignoruje stan świadomości narodowej Ukraińców Anno Domini 2022. Decyzja ta nie nosi znamion racjonalności. Dlatego tak wielu analityków do samego końca uważało ją za nieprawdopodobną. Innymi słowy, droga do przeciągnięcia przez Rosję Ukrainy na swoją stronę poprzez wypowiedzenie Ukrainie wojny i okupowanie jej w całości lub w części jest ślepa.

Jego ocena militarnych zmagań jest w dużej części zbieżna z tym, co czytamy w stanowisku narodowych radykałów opublikowanym TUTAJ. Wykładowca UJ podsumowuje, iż zgodnie z teorią realizmu ofensywnego państwa w polityce międzynarodowej dążą do maksymalizowania swojej potęgi. Największe szanse na przetrwanie ma takie o statusie regionalnego hegemona. Niestety, co ze smutkiem przyznaje naukowiec, bez Ukrainy Rosja nie może stać takim państwem. Kraje takie jak Polska czy Ukraina przez lata były tylko narzędziem w rękach sił imperialnych. Czas to zrozumieć i wyciągnąć odpowiednie wnioski.

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4 Komentarzy

  1. Stop rozlewaniu słowiańskiej krwi na Ukrainie!!!
    Stop imperialistycznej wojnie!!!

  2. Some morons accuse us of „Putinism”, other morons of „banderism”. Lovers of looking at the world through foreign glasses cannot understand the obvious fact-we are Polish nationalists and we always put the welfare of Poland and Poles in the first place in the temporal order. As an environment representing the third position in Poland for many years, we supplement our native traditions with the achievements of foreign national – revolutionary movements. In the face of the tragedy of the fratricidal war in Ukraine, we present the position of the National Rebirth of Poland with which we fully identify.
    The ongoing war on the territory of Ukraine, which has already caused enormous destruction, suffering and death of innocent civilians, is not, it must be emphasized, a war between Russia and Ukraine. On the Ukrainian soil, the struggles of the collapsing Russian empire and the expanding zones of influence of the American empire, strengthened by the support of the new entity of the post – Yalta order – the centralist Moloch under the name of European Union, continue. In this war, the victims are the Ukrainians, who, despite themselves, were chosen as a test piece of US imperial policy. They became an American shield, which is shot at by a Russian sniper.
    The moral and political responsibility for the outbreak of this war is therefore obvious: the United States, which seeks to expand its sphere of influence and military control in Europe; the European Union, which for years has corrupted the Ukrainian establishment, leading the country to deprive it of its short-termed independence; and Russia, which knows only one way of conducting international politics – military violence.
    The media’s perception of the war as a Russian – Ukrainian struggle is factually false. And we, the Polish nationalists, do not intend to participate in this war as a party to the conflict. We will not be cannon fodder for foreign pursuits. We say this clearly: the interests of the American empire are not ours, just as the interests of Russia or the European Union are not ours either. On the contrary: every imperial or quasi-imperial policy, every attempt to impose on any country any supervision of forces of its own making, acting as a demiurge, provokes our resolute opposition and resistance. Those, on the other hand, who try in the most diverse, contradictory to the elementary logic of mental breakers to involve Poles in direct participation in this conflict, one could say colloquially that they are useful idiots, only that they are not useful for sure.
    The propaganda outpouring of false defenders of Ukraine, the media-declared „enemies of Putin’s Russia”, shows how powerful is the hypocrisy and deception of the political establishment and associated garbage communities. When in 2015 the Moscow government (report ” neo-Nazism. A threat to human rights, democracy and the rule of law”) proclaimed a crusade against „European fascism” and indicated goals for political liquidation (eg. in Poland, it was the National Rebirth of Poland), Putin’s narrative was eagerly picked up and began to implement in our country „democratic” environments of all shades. In the media, attacks on Polish national formations intensified, and the security apparatus, prosecutor’s offices and courts were thrown into practical action. When in Russia itself began mass persecution of local nationalists, opposing the imperial and military policy of Russia – neither of these „Democrats” haven’t stood in defense of the repressed, while some enthusiastically expressed their satisfaction with the effectiveness of the Russian apparatus of repression. Today they consider themselves” opponents of Putin”, despite the fact that they supported his ideological and political visions and made a significant contribution to their dissemination in Poland.
    For the sake of order, let us recall: the National Rebirth of Poland has always resolutely stood up and stands up in defense of anti – globalist and national political formations, free from chauvinism, including Russian and Ukrainian ones, repressed by native „democratic” regimes-regardless of whether their actual overlords are in Moscow, Brussels, Washington or Tel-Aviv.
    Clearly, the task of conscious and responsible political forces must therefore be not to escalate the conflict – because war is not a game, and civilian casualties are real, not virtual – but to end it. It is impossible to remain indifferent to the tragedy of the people of Ukraine. Our neighbours across the eastern border, victims of foreign and hostile to their freedom policies of the powers, need full humanitarian support – and the national revival of Poland has been taking part in such aid operations since the beginning of the conflict.
    An important element of these activities is support for war refugees: women, children, the elderly, the sick and wounded and their caregivers, who should be able to take refuge in Poland until the end of the conflict. However, their stay requires complete formalization (registration, temporary, renewable refugee visas) – because we are witnessing the use of the so-called Ukrainian channel to infiltrate into Europe illegal immigrants, absolutely preying on the sincere desire to help people in their tragic fate.
    However, we strongly declare that we consider unacceptable and shameful – in the context of the situation in Ukraine – any attempts to silence the tragic events of the past for the Poles and the imposition by the media and political establishment of censorship on the painful Polish historical experience. The truth is the truth, and it cannot be”frozen” or forbidden in the name of the sick „”irritation” optics. It disrespects the memory of those who were killed and is a despicable disrespect to the entire nation. Crime remains a crime regardless of the current political circumstances.
    It is clear that a permanent state of peace must be sought, and all political efforts must be subordinated to this. The national revival of Poland indicates the need for the following actions:
    Step one: the end of the military struggle on the territory of Ukraine can be achieved by providing the two warring powers (USA-Russia) with a guarantee that there is no direct threat to each other. This means the need to withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine and move its offensive ground forces to the Don line – and at the same time remove all US ground offensive forces (including those operating under the NATO banner) behind the Elbe line. Only this can permanently end the direct military conflict, without exposing the US and Russia to a sense of loss of interventional control (the political area of dispute is still within the range of air operations).
    Step two: the immediate withdrawal of Brussels from its efforts to seize Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. The expansion of Brussels’ centralist ambitions is a simple invitation to further supranational conflicts. The process of deimperialization should also include Belarus, from close ties with which (built in the shape of the EU [to which current geopolitical position Belarus was led because of aggressive moves towards democratisation from the US, IMF, Soros and the EU - RwO]) Russia should withdraw. Giving up imperial political aspirations does not mean suspending economic contacts in the region; on the contrary, it gives them a purely pragmatic character.
    Step three: the start of the Terra Libertatis phase – the creation of a belt of independent European states, free from the political control of the imperial powers (Russia, the EU and the US), separating them from each other. First and foremost, the TL should include post – communist countries where, despite years of Brussels propaganda, the understanding of the importance and potential strength of the nation state is still alive. This means moving away from political dependence on the European Union, whose character – if it is to survive in any form – must undergo a complete change. Already in 1996, the National Rebirth of Poland took a clear position on this issue: „we do not oppose international cooperation. There is nothing wrong with a sovereign country having agreements (economic, political, military) with other states or blocs of states. It is not international agreements that are bad, but the loss of the ability to conclude them-and to break them. We reject the idea of a united Europe, not because it is an international agreement, but precisely because it is not. There is a fundamental difference between a cooperation agreement and a lack of choice – even to leave the European Union. (…) A united Europe is a super – state, subordinated to the specific political and economic interests of supranational financial centres. In a united Europe, the economy, law and politics of individual nations are secondary, subordinate to the decisions of the central government „(An Open Letter „In defence of Freedom”, 11.04.1996). These views, confirmed by the events of the last few decades, we will maintain. Our geopolitical goal remains a Europe of Free Nations.

    The demands presented above by the National Rebirth of Poland may seem, in the current situation, to go too far. However, it is not true – as subordinate analysts try to convince-that a geopolitical system or arrangement once established remains so. After the first World War Poland regained its independence and gained its recognition as a state not because it deserved it, because in terms of the then (as well as the current) international policy, moral rations did not and do not have any significance. Poland regained its independence through the efforts of many years of political work carried out by a relatively small group of people under the leadership of Roman Dmowski, who in the final outcome – the Versailles negotiations – managed to convince, including opponents, to the concept of an independent Polish Republic and demonstrate the selfish benefits of the existence of a free Poland for the then main players of the European political scene. In turn, the lack of a clear policy and subordination to foreign influences made that after World War II Poland – a member of the victorious coalition, having its own army and organized elites – was liquidated as a state, and the consequences of its surrender by the allies into Soviet slavery are still felt today. The Versailles system was replaced by the Yalta system, which – in the absence of serious political concepts – swept Poland off the political map of the world.

    The task of a responsible political movement, guided not by the narrow interest of ad hoc propaganda profits, but by a conscious commitment to the future, is therefore to create a vision of solutions that are optimal from the point of view of the next generations and to build support for them. This is the only thing that can change the world, not the brainless pursuit of the propagandists’ vision for a world deprived of freedom.
    Executive Board of The National Rebirth of Poland (NOP)
    Warsaw, 15.03.2022

  3. Jankesi już od lat finansują rząd kijowski. Najpierw Majdan (to nie był żaden spontaniczny zryw), później „doradcy” w rządzie i w wojsku. Tylko debil wierzy, że ten komik i jego trupa to samodzielni gracze. Tylko debil np. ktoś ze Szturmu wierzy, że ukraińscy nacjonaliści są czymś więcej niż pajacami w służbie jankeskiej ambasady, bo z Izraelem są już na dobre pojednani.

  4. Znakomita analiza sytuacji. Jestem w szoku, że tacy naukowcy jeszcze się uchowali w Ukropolin ;)

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