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Muzyczny nacjonalizm: Pugilato – De Frente

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Represje i wyrok Sądu Najwyższego, o którym pisaliśmy TUTAJ, nie zmieniły nic. Hiszpański zespół Pugilato wciąż nagrywa antysystemowe utwory. Wokalista Alberto Gonzalo Juan to nie tylko muzyk, ale przede wszystkim działacz polityczny, który bierze udział w szeregu manifestacji i akcji społecznych. Teledysk do utworu „De Frente” miał premierę 28 maja 2021. Takiego przesłania brakuje w produkcjach pozostałych zespołów, które skupiają się na jakiś tematach historycznych lub piosenkach o wizycie w barze/na stadionie.

Tłumaczenie tekstu w języku angielskim

Pugilato, 2021, you will need much more than reports to the police and laws to end me

I have no friends, I have soldiers, the war continues and this is not over

In this fight against their fucking democracy

I do not have friends, I have soldiers, all of them prepared and psyched to strike and defeat them.

Don’t give me progressive chicks or niceties, or your disgusting inclusive language shit,

here we always call things by their name, offensive, direct and straightforward hardcore.

That is why his motive, sickly and obsessive, to try to silence me in this sick society

Where to support ETA or another criminal group, the government will clap you and you will be a man of peace

And the general strike?  Where are the labor unions in the face of the greatest crisis, misery and precariousness?

Traitors, motherfuckers, living off the worker, licking capital’s ass

Bukaneros doing the stupid now in Galapagar, whores of the caste in radical disguise

We call your boss a whore rat like the kids from Bastion Frontal did in Madrid

Our strength is the truth, without complexes, with pride, clear the ideal and our head held high

same enemy even if he changes his mask, Isabel M Peralta already said.

Shitty cops that claim to serve and protect when in reality you are mercenaries of power

They enter your house and violate your rights, control the mask and not the drug from South of Mediterranean sea.

Shut up and obey and pay your taxes, vote for them, they tell you, this is not a dictatorship

Hoteliers without social benefits every day commit suicide while thousands of Spaniards look for food in the garbage

They defend usury and rescue banks and always some idiot clapping from their balcony

Who is still unemployed, without charging the ERTE, are those who are happy when I am censored

Another cheek is Ocar Camps, making money at the expense of the Open Arms business

Tell us how much you charge from the gangsters of Libya, tell us how much you earn with the people you traffic

Hypocrites, bastards, don’t sell me immigration as something of solidarity

You are lining yourself like nobody else and in your mansion I do not see refugees

We are the crazy, the hated, the feared, the ones who always stand up and go head-on

True to my principles, strong dissidents, without eating cocks like Jordi de la Fuente

Head on, we carry on, we won’t give up

strong, strong, before dead than traitors

true to our principles where we never deny

The more cornered, the harder we hit you

Always steadfast, warriors of a breed

against all, until the end irreducible

we’ll take down your system,

tomorrow is ours and it is that the one who surrenders is not defeated

Politicians, media and social networks, they want your attention so they can control you

shape your opinion so you don’t think and drop all the shit that you can swallow

All bought, bribed and sold, servants of the system of which they have always been part

Mention aside, those who Soros pays, garbage, Miquel Ramos, I want to say hello one day

They promote the aberrant and degenerate that’s why they try to normalize pedophilia

Abortion, feminism, everything financed, everything that promotes ending the traditional family

Ruin the economy, they had planned it, the goal of their agenda that you be their slave

Ruled by traitors, vermin and lackeys, their informational terrorism will keep you alienated

Lobotomized begging for the vaccine, at this point, nothing moves me anymore

They pretend that you obey and that you do not rebel, the pandemic ends by turning off the TV

Lyrics that penetrate like bullets, that hurt you, combat songs sharp as swords

And no matter how much they denounce the Prosecutor’s Office or Esteban Ibarra,

Pugilato does not give up, nor does he hand over his guitars

Head on, we carry on, we won’t give up

strong, strong, before dead than traitors

true to our principles where we never deny

The more cornered, the harder we hit you

Always steadfast, warriors of a breed

against all, until the end irreducible

we’ll take down your system,

tomorrow is ours and it is that the one who surrenders is not defeated


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