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Marsz Łukowa 2021 – nacjonalistyczna Bułgaria nie poddaje się

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Ani siarczysty mróz, ani śnieg, ani spodziewane prowokacje służb nie powstrzymały bułgarskich nacjonalistów i największa „neofaszystowska manifestacja” w tym kraju odbyła się po raz kolejny. Choć sądy wielokrotnie potwierdzały w przeszłości legalność Marszu Łukowa, funkcjonariusze Systemu co roku próbują utrudnić życie naszym kolegom i koleżankom z Bułgarii. Konieczność zmiany trasy, wszechobecni policyjni tajniacy na ulicach Sofii i prawdziwy triumf woli Politycznych Żołnierzy. Marsz Łukowa jest symbolem narodowego oporu przeciwko pachołkom obcych stolic.

Generał Christo Łukow był bułgarskim bohaterem I wojny światowej, założycielem Legionów Narodowych. Zginął 13 lutego 1943 roku w zamachu zorganizowanym przez komunistycznych partyzantów. Od 2003 roku działacze Bułgarskiego Związku Narodowego organizują na ulicach Sofii marsz poświęcony żołnierzowi Wielkiej Bułgarii. Wydarzenie godnie krytykują organizacje żydowskie, ambasady amerykańska i rosyjska oraz lokalni janczarzy liberalizmu i marksizmu.

Chwała nacjonalistycznej Bułgarii!





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7 Komentarzy

  1. Warte odwiedzenia strony bułgarskich nacjonalistów:

  2. Lukovmarch is an annual torchlight procession, organized by Bulgarian National Union in honorable memory of general Hristo Lukov. General Lukov was a WWI hero, minister of war in Tsardom of Bulgaria (1935 – 1938) and later, leader of the strongest nationalist organization at that time – Union of Bulgarian National Legions. He was cowardly murdered by communist terrorist group – shot in the back in front of his 9-year-old daughter on the 13th of February 1943.

    Lukovmarch started in 2003 as a small local event with only 15 people. At that time, the memory of gen. Lukov was almost completely wiped out, after decades of communist efforts. Back then he was known only by few people, interested in history and by the few, very old members of his organization, who survived the communist concentration camps. The first Lukovmarch was organized after the story about gen. Lukov, told by these old nationalists, inspired the young members of BNU. After the fall of communist dictatorship, those old men gathered every year in one church, in the capital city – Sofia, to organize a memorial service for general Lukov. On one such service they invited members of the newly formed patriotic youth organization BNU. At this meeting the memory and the legacy of general Hristo Lukov was passed from the old to the new generation of Bulgarian nationalists. This was the event that inspired Lukovmarch.

  3. “On behalf of Jews around the world, the World Jewish Congress greatly appreciates the leadership of Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova and Bulgaria Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, together with local law enforcement, in preserving the peace and repudiating intolerance by refusing to allow the notorious Lukov March to take place,’’ stated WJC President Ronald S.Lauder.

    Such gatherings, and all other manifestations and rhetoric that promote and venerate racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia must be condemned and prevented from spreading their virulent messages of hatred and bigotry’’ he added.

    WJC joined the Organization of Jews in Bulgaria, Shalom, in expressing ‘’sincere gratitude for the Bulgarian institutions’ definitive actions against intolerance and hate speech, which set a strong precedent so that this and similar glorifications of evil will not be permitted to rear their ugly head in Bulgaria in the future.”

  4. The Embassy of Israel in Sofia expressed its “sincere appreciation to the Bulgarian authorities for their endeavours to bring about the cancellation, once again, of the infamous Lukov March”.

    The embassy thanked Borissov, Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva, Georgiev, Prosecutor-General Ivan Geshev, Fandukova, the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior and the State Agency for National Security for all their efforts.

    “The cancellation of Lukov March is an expression of the strong, continuous and sustainable Bulgarian efforts to combat antisemitism, xenophobia, intolerance and hate speech,” the Embassy of Israel said.

    “Tonight, it has become evident once again that fighting these vicious phenomena is indeed a major priority for Bulgaria. The actions of the Bulgarian authorities will no doubt resonate beyond its borders,” the Embassy said.

    The United States Embassy said that while it fully supports the democratic principles of free speech and the public’s right to assemble in a civil and peaceful manner, “we condemn displays of xenophobia, hate speech, or incitements to violence as contrary to the basic values of modern society”.

    “We reiterate our appreciation for the dedicated efforts of the Government of Bulgaria and all those who denounced the Lukov March and call on all Bulgarians to unite around the positive examples from their shared history,” the US Embassy said.

    The British Embassy in Sofia said that it “welcomes the clear opposition of the Bulgarian authorities to today’s so-called Lukov March and their efforts to ensure public calm and prevent violence”.

    “Less than three weeks on from remembering the victims of the Holocaust, incitements to violence and the glorification of historical figures who promoted hate can have no place in our societies,” the British Embassy said.


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