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Niemieccy nacjonaliści w Berlinie: Naród chce przyszłości!

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Kilkuset niemieckich narodowych rewolucjonistów manifestowało w Berlinie pod hasłem „Naród chce przyszłości! Chronić ojczyznę! Zatrzymać napływ obcych! Zniszczyć kapitalizm!”. Wydarzenie miało pierwotnie odbyć się 1 maja, jednak z uwagi na obostrzenia sanitarne zostało przeniesione na Dzień Jedności Niemiec. Nacjonaliści prezentowali swoje postulaty w sposób pokojowy i zdyscyplinowany, czego nie można powiedzieć o człekokształtnych istotach zwanych antyfaszystami. Na szczęście śmieci nigdy nie mogą przeszkodzić Politycznym Żołnierzom Narodowej Rewolucji.

W manifestacji wzięła udział również delegacja Nordyckiego Ruchu Oporu – obie organizacje współpracują ściśle od lat.

Szowinistyczny skansen w Niemczech i Polsce odchodzi powoli w niepamięć. W niektórych sprawach mamy odmienne opinie, jednak stoją przed nami wspólne wyzwania. Głosów domagających się dialogu i współpracy z polskimi nacjonalistami jest za naszą zachodnią granicą coraz więcej – mówimy tu o wieloletnich działaczach, a nie sezonowych „gwiazdach”. Thorsten Heise, jedna z najważniejszych postaci niemieckiego ruchu oporu, jest od lat w Niemczech promotorem współpracy z europejskimi braćmi oraz odrzucenia niszczącego szowinizmu, który służby jedynie naszym wrogom. Wywiad z nim dla portalu TUTAJ. Kolejny był Sascha Roßmüller, który w rozmowie z Laną Lokteff (Red Ice TV, Radio 3Fourteen) powiedział: „Chcemy współpracy z Polakami” – zobacz TUTAJ.



Przemawia przedstawiciel Nordyckiego Ruchu Oporu


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10 Komentarzy

  1. Liebe polnische Kameraden, vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung!
    Es lebe Europa Der Vaterländer!

    • Ich hoffe, dass die Gebiete der ehemaligen Konzentrationslager Teil des städtischen Gefüges werden und sich die Städte, die diese Lagern hatten, normal entwickeln werden. Wir haben auch probleme damit. Gruss aus Oberschlesien.

  2. Ons boederschaft, heil
    Wir seind broeders und zusters krieg…
    Heil Deuyschland

  3. Das ist unsere freigeit, voor Vlaanderen fur Deutschland.

  4. Als ik mag in Vlaams gaan praten. Ben half Pools en half Vlaams ons geschiedinds is samen verbonden. Ik hoop jullie lezen dat ons broeders en zusters, wij staan samen voor grote problemen, wij moeten sterk zijn. Kein broeder krieg… Nooit.
    Mijn Deutsche broeders en zusters…. Heil victory

  5. Przemówienie Fredrika Vejdelanda:

    My name is Fredrik Vejdeland. I’m from Sweden and I represent the Nordic Resistance Movement. In addition to my Swedish blood there is also Norwegian and German blood flowing through my veins. This makes me feel a kind of kinship that I am very proud of.

    The greatest thinkers have been from this part of the world and the foremost artists have been Germans. Among the nations of Europe the Germans have also been wartime opponents that have been feared and respected in equal measure. History remembers the Germans as a magnificent people all the way up to 1945, when this magnificent people willingly faced an heroic fate in order to guarantee the uprising of tomorrow. They paid in blood so that their people could one day find their way back to the struggle again.

    Today we are living in that tomorrow. We have not yet seen this uprising, but it’s coming. A new nationalist, socialist and revolutionary movement has emerged, ready to take on the work started by the old guard.

    I must admit, a few years ago I wasn’t impressed by the German movement at all. In fact, I had discounted it completely. What I saw back then was, to simplify matters, two different factions. The first faction consisting of parliamentarians, and not just parliamentarians in name but also in essence. And the second faction consisting of suspicious networks where drugs and degenerate attitudes were commonplace.

    Sure, there were good elements in the German movement in these two factions. But what I felt was missing, looking at the movement from an outside perspective, was an organization whose members lived for the struggle and were ready to sacrifice themselves for a higher purpose.

    It was Der Dritte Weg (and only Der Dritte Weg) that changed my opinion on the German movement and made me look upon the German movement with optimism and hope once again.

    And what I saw was a movement consisting of sound individuals who were dedicated to the struggle. Because the struggle is the most important thing of all. This was understood by the old guard and that is why they succeeded in awakening the people. You can have skilful politicians, good debaters, the correct ideology or politics on your side – but you also need the fighters. Without the struggle we will never achieve victory.

    We are therefore honoured to have Der Dritte Weg as our comrades. It is of immense importance that we – as well as the likes of us who choose the path of struggle – cooperate. We must make the nationalist movements around the world accept our way, because neither our peoples nor our race will survive without it. There are no short cuts.

    Our enemy is cooperating across national boundaries and so must we. Because if one people revolts while the rest of Europe doesn’t, it would be very easy for NATO to send in their troops to suppress this uprising. But if ten nations revolt at the same time (or are in the process of revolting) they will never be able to stop us. Our friendship with a movement of the struggle in Germany is therefore not only based on us wanting allies of a similar mindset. It’s not only based on camaraderie. A lot of it is actually based on pure mathematics. We depend on the struggle continuing all across Europe, whether in Germany, the North or anywhere else.

    Cooperation and struggle are key words. Movements of the struggle must work together, benefit from one another, learn from one another, help one another grow and become better – and make sure that those who want to take short cuts lose influence. The sooner this happens, the better.

    The movement in Germany has made leaps and bounds forward in just the last few years. What we see is a revolutionary force on the rise, and it fills me and many other people with hope for the future.

    German comrades. It is with great trust that I look upon the fight waged by you, and the path you’re taking in the present assures me that you will be the force making a popular uprising tomorrow possible.

    Do not let defeatism get to you by the seemingly great advantage that our enemy possesses. Know this: When you are persecuted by an oppressive and corrupt criminal regime, surrounded by enemies (both foreign and domestic), your strength lies in your blood. Your blood is your strongest weapon, because that is where the gods reside. And if you’re able to reawaken them, victory is ours!

    The old fighters awoke the gods, and when they disappeared, the gods went back to sleep. But they are still there slumbering. Waiting for us to awaken them again within us. And when that happens, we’ll be unstoppable.

    What we need now is a revolutionary force consisting of fighters ready to do what it takes. Because victory is not won by fancy phrases or by taking short cuts – which are the paths of the coward. It is won by sacrifice and will, and it is paid for in blood – then as well as now.

    Comrades, do you represent the revolutionary force that will guarantee the popular uprising?

    Are you ready to sacrifice, fight and, if necessary, pay a price in blood to achieve victory?

    The struggle is leading us on the right path and through the struggle…

    Der Sieg wird unser sein! (Victory will be ours!)”

  6. Za szybkie I dlatego bledne pisanie postow, wielkie sorry.
    Napisze w jezyku, ktory jest mi bliski.
    Beste Vlaamse en Duitse kameraden, deze tijden zijn moelijk voor ons, vrijheid is in gevaar. Wij leven in liberale systeem die probeert ons te crushen onder zijn voet. Samen zijn wij sterk, wij mogen ons niet laten verdeelen(door niemand)
    Europa is ons huis, onze voorvaders. Dat is on liefde.

    Deutschland, Vlaanderen, Polen

    Ps. Mijn excuses voor fouten in vorige posts, ben te snel geweest.
    Hopelijk volgende keer schrijf ik iets in Deutsch

    Europe is our holy land.
    Greece stay strong, our time will come.
    Traitors should be hanged.

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