Wbrew propagandzie o „rusofobii” w ukraińskim pułku „Azow” walczy grupa Rosjan, a język rosyjski jest dominujący z uwagi na przewagę ochotników ze wschodnich regionów. Rosyjscy nacjonaliści tak piszą o swojej wspólnej walce u boku Ukraińców:
Aby zrozumieć motywację rosyjskich nacjonalistów, którzy walczą na Ukrainie, musimy wrócić do tragicznej historii Rosji w XX wieku. Bolszewicka rewolucja z 1917 roku zniszczyła rosyjską państwowość, tworząc na jej miejsce przeciwieństwo – potwora anty-Rosji.
Musimy stwierdzić, iż na Ukrainie – podobnie jak w Hiszpanii w latach 1936 – 1939 – zaspokojone jest pragnienie rosyjskiej zemsty na moskiewskich tyranach. W szeregach batalionu „Azow” Rosjanie mają unikalną szansę stanąć z bronią do walki i pokazać swoją nietolerancję dla multirasowego, kulturowego śmietnika, który skrywa się za akronimem „FR” (Federacja Rosyjska). Na polu walki wzmacnia się rodzaj „unii samotnych” – ukraińskich i rosyjskich nonkonformistów.
Droga Rekonkwisty, zorientowana na odzyskanie naszej wspólnej kolebki – Rusi Kijowskiej, a później całej Europy, ma swoje źródło na Ukrainie. Tu powstaje ruch zdolny do zabezpieczenia egzystencji białej rasy i przyszłości naszych dzieci.
Tymczasem dowódca pułku Andrij Biłecki w wywiadzie dla portalu Liga.net podkreślił, na marginesie różnych reportaży zachodnich mediów, iż symbol formacji nie ma nic wspólnego z nazizmem, symbolizuje litery hasła „Idea Nacji”, a on sam nie zamierza w szaleństwie politycznej poprawności za niego przepraszać. Według jego szacunków w jednostce 3/4 żołnierzy to aktywni nacjonaliści, reszta to uczestnicy Majdanu, ultrasi, zwykli patrioci. Jak informuje dalej, wśród zagranicznych ochotników, stanowiących według niego elitę i walczących w imię europejskiej idei, są Rosjanie (walczący dodatkowo z reżimem Putina), Białorusini, Brytyjczycy, Włosi, Szwedzi, Grecy, Chorwaci i Polacy. 70% żołnierzy ma wyższe wykształcenie.
Na podstawie: Pułk Azow/Nacjonalista.pl/news.liga.net
![Ochotnicy z Batalionu "Azow", fot. nadesłana](https://www.nacjonalista.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/big.jpg)
Ochotnicy z Batalionu „Azow”, fot. nadesłana
Pozdrowienia ochotników batalionu „Azow” dla włoskich nacjonalistów
13 września 2014 o 11:03
Niezła kontra dla portalu Kresy.pl
Może niektórzy zrozumieją,że świat nie jest czarno-biały.
20 marca 2015 o 13:32
Otóż to!
13 września 2014 o 16:07
„Wśród zagranicznych ochotników, stanowiących według niego elitę i walczących w imię europejskiej idei, są Rosjanie (walczący dodatkowo z reżimem Putina), Białorusini, Brytyjczycy, Włosi, Szwedzi, Grecy, Chorwaci i Polacy.”
Brawo, Polacy, Ukraińcy i Rosjanie razem przeciwko kacapskim barbarzyńcom! Sława Polsce, sława Ukrainie, sława Europie!
13 września 2014 o 16:36
Acha lepsi są Kołomojski, Poroszenko, Jaceniuk niż np. Striełkow (prawosławny monarchista) i Gubariew (socjal-nacjonalista)? Jak batalion Azow wyobraża swoją przyszłość w państwie zarządzanym przez pro-zachodnich oligarchów? Bo „obalać system” to trzeba było w lutym,marcu albo kwietniu.
13 września 2014 o 17:36
Brytyjski, lewicowy The Guardian o „Azowie”. Są bajki o złych „neonazistach”![:)](https://www.nacjonalista.pl/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
„I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia,” said Dmitry, as we sped through the dark Mariupol night in a pickup truck, a machine gunner positioned in the back. „But Putin’s not even a Russian. Putin’s a Jew.”
Dmitry – which he said is not his real name – is a native of east Ukraine and a member of the Azov battalion, a volunteer grouping that has been doing much of the frontline fighting in Ukraine’s war with pro-Russia separatists. The Azov, one of many volunteer brigades to fight alongside the Ukrainian army in the east of the country, has developed a reputation for fearlessness in battle.
But there is an increasing worry that while the Azov and other volunteer battalions might be Ukraine’s most potent and reliable force on the battlefield against the separatists, they also pose the most serious threat to the Ukrainian government, and perhaps even the state, when the conflict in the east is over.”
Klip promocyjny z muzą zespołu Manowar
13 września 2014 o 18:05
Skąd macie informacje o Polakach w batalionie?
13 września 2014 o 18:10
Historia Szweda, snajpera w batalionie „Azow” (po angielsku):
Mikael Skillt – a Swedish volunteer of „Azov” battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, specialty – a sniper. Mikael came to help us and supports himself – he felt love for Ukraine after the European Football Championship. Was a simple volunteer at Maidan, lived in a tent…. When the war broke out, he volunteered to protect Ukraine in „Azov,” although money is not paid there and he has no social status of the ATO participant.
Mikael had a friend from Serbia, an experienced warrior, also a sniper, nationalist. When the war broke out, he phoned to ask how it’s going, whether it is possible to come, he is ready to do some fighting. The Serb also wanted to join „Azov” as a volunteer, help to Skillt. But then he found out that in „Azov” serve two volunteers from Croatia. With Croats he can not serve – they have the same language, but two native peoples too cruelly fought with each other… And they are not getting paid in „Azov,” there is no money to earn. On September 3 Serb unexpectedly wrote to Mikael: „I am in Bezimennoye near Mariupol, see you in sight.” As it turned out, Serb went through the Russian company to fight in the ranks of the Donbass detachment of Serbian mercenaries of „DNR.” Mikael was in Shirokino – their positions were actually against each other. Of course, he could not be noticed. But what to do? How to shoot, if this not strange to him man is in gunsight? They did not have time to talk about this. On September 5 near Shirokino the squad of „DNR,” advancing to Mariupol, was shot in an ambush by the unit „Azov.” During cleansing, in the burning KAMAZ, among the bodies riddled with 23 millimeter shells Mikael saw his friend who still did not have time to become his enemy… Not he pulled the trigger of this war…
13 września 2014 o 18:19
Po angielsku manifest Socjal-Nacjonalistycznego Zgromadzenia, organizacji, która jest inicjatorką powstania batalionu:
Manifesto of Social-National Assembly
1. National Solidarism against enmity of classes and selfishness of separate individuals.
2. Strong authoritarian personified power against weakness, irresponsibility and impersonality of liberalism.
3. Strong unitary centralized Ukrainian state with broad autonomy of local communities.
4. Professional Labour Parliament against unprofessional current deputies.
5. Stratified economy – a combination of public and private sector, against the extremes of communism and capitalism.
6. Emphasis on development of science and education, technology (aeronautics, space, genetics, gun making, etc.) as the basis of power of the State.
7. Nationalization of mineral resources and strategic industries
8. Participation of workers in management and distribution of profits.
9. Making the Ukrainian peasant the powerful farmer through giving him the right of lifetime possession of the land and creation of rural cooperatives with the help of the Ukrainian State.
10. Priority of the National and State interests over so-called „international institutions” and „human values” that serve as disguise for foreign imperialisms.
11. Against membership in all modern unions and competition for creation of a Central European bloc that will make Ukraine the regional leader.
12. Creating powerful National Army and the military industrial complex, restoring the nuclear status of Ukraine.
13. Full stop of external migration that undermines the national and economic foundations of the State.
14. Restoration of positive demographics of the Ukrainian Nation owing to unprecedented Government programs. Our mission – „more cradles than coffins.”
15. Emphasis on the young generation and education of the new man – the organic part of the national community against the modern ultimate egoist.
13 września 2014 o 18:39
„Strasser” – wykopaliśmy zapiski z grobu Bandery.
13 września 2014 o 22:22
Wiecie co ? Wejdźcie sobie na stronkę prawego sektora(http://pravyysektor.info) jak już na niej będziecie wejdźcie w zakładkę Dokumenty a tam w ich manifest. W manifeście tym znajdziecie taki oto fragment:”Наші вороги: імперіалізм, шовінізм, комунізм, нацизм, ксенофобія, антисемітизм, космополітизм, глобалізм, псевдонаціоналізм і все те, що протидіє побудові української національної держави.” Po Polsku – „Nasi wrogowie imperializm, szowinizm, komunizm, nazizm, ksenofobia, ANTYSEMITYZM, kosmopolityzm, globalizm, pseudonacjonalizm i wszystko, co sprzeciwia się budowę ukraińskiego państwa narodowego.” hehe Prawy Sektor prawdziwi „nacjonaliści” nawet walkę z antysemityzmem mają wpisaną w manifest ideowy
13 września 2014 o 23:39
Słuszny postulat. Walka z szurami pokroju Bubla, różnymi nawiedzonymi żydożercami rodem z „Grunwaldu” to przysłużenie się nacjonalizmowi. Poza tym większość Semitów to Arabowie, więc nie dziwi mnie, że ktoś odrzuca kolektywne wrzucanie wszystkich do jednego worka. Popieram.
14 września 2014 o 23:29
UE to o wiele większy śmietnik multikulturowy od Rosji, dlaczego Ci wszyscy europejscy ochotnicy zamiast walczyć z korzeniami zła które ulokowane są w Brukseli walczą przeciwko białym ludziom na wschodzie Ukrainy?! To nie Putin finansuje różne projekty „społeczeństwa otwartego” ale mocodawcy którzy stoją m.in za batalionem Azow. Najpierw trzeba zrobić porządek u siebie a później brać się za porządki u sąsiadów.
16 września 2014 o 23:58
Nieprawda. Na Stormfroncie są informacje, że Rosjanie za Putina mają problem z lobby multi – kulti, znajdującym się w rządzie i sporą ilością żydowskich oligarchów.
15 września 2014 o 11:21
No właśnie, daleki jestem od bronienia Putina i Rosji, ale jako że kiedyś chorowałem na chorobę: ,,Na moskala” wiem że Rosja nie jest naszym największym wrogiem, i jebanie na Rosję bo Rosja jest zła, nawet nie podając powodów dlaczego, bo po prostu Rosja jest zła, jest zwykłym debilizmem, UE za niedługo złączy się w wolnym handlu z USA, do tego UE zacznie do swojego podwórka brać dodatkowe Kraje, a fundacje o których mówi MN, powoli nawet wchodzą do Afryki, główną osią zła jest USA-Izrael-UE oraz dominujący praktycznie na całym globie Liberalizm.
19 września 2014 o 21:26
Widać, ze za bardzo to nie wiesz o czym piszesz. W kwestii liberalizmu. Nawet nie wiesz czym jest. Nawet nie odróżniasz co oznacza np, w USA, a co w Europie, Austrii itd.
20 września 2014 o 00:10
Liberalizm jest syfem, który niszczy naszą cywilizację i Europę. To widzi każdy, kto myśli i wyciąga wnioski.
17 września 2014 o 18:28
Bojownicy Duporosji, walczący przeciwko „ukraińskiemu faszyzmowi”, „gejropie” i „atlantyzmowi”, katechoni, walczący o „Świętą Ruś”, samodzierżawie, prawosławie, ostatni bastion logiki sakralnej i darmowy seks analny
30 września 2014 o 13:16
Ciekawy wywiad z ukraińską nacjonalistką, mieszkającą w Hiszpanii, niestety tylko po angielsku.
1) In Spain in particular and the world in general the information we receive through the media is quite distorted, can you explain what is happening right now in Ukraine?
- Right now what is happening in Ukraine is an open invasion by Russia. I could not tell if this conflict is being to be resolved or not. A few days ago we agreed to withdraw us, Ukrainians, 15 km, leaving behind our positions while the Russians do the same. On September 24, we fulfilled our part of the bargain, they too. But there are some groups of pro-Russian militias that disagree with that plan and for several days have continued attacking our positions. On the night of September 24 fires have ceased, and it was the first day in a long time with no casualties of our side, or the side of the Russians. As always, the government promises us weapons and send help, but we never got anything. We all have assimilated we are alone in this and we will not receive any material support from the government. One of the good news is that with this „ceasefire”, the two sides have exchanged prisoners, so now we have a few thousand Ukrainian guys back. However, the situation in Ukraine changes every day. As there is now peace, it can return tomorrow to bombing some village or bombarding our positions. That’s unpredictable.
2) What do you think about that Donbass area is a historic Russian territory? Are the people of eastern Ukraine – Russians?
- They are Russian citizens from the year 1932 to 1933. Those were the years of the Holodomor, in those regions where the Red Army encircled the villages. They took off all the food, and finally the whole villages disappeared because people were starving. In total, 22,000 families have been moved from Russia to those empty houses extinct Ukrainian villages. And they did not willingly, but by order of their government. The Russians usually have difficulty getting used to life outside of Russia. One of the greatest qualities of the Russians is contempt for other nations.
Many Russians have emigrated to other countries or continents for economic and social reasons, and have no plan to return to their historic homeland, but they still love Russia and are suffering for her while away. Maybe that’s a mystery of the Russian soul…
This great migration of Russians to Ukraine is a slow-acting pump that has broken today. People usually behave in different ways while living in a land that is not theirs. And above all, the Russians, who have been transferred to foreign lands, not because they wanted to, but because the government has moved them there. And they support the government moved them there. And so they vote in elections and show their disrespect towards the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian culture, and so they will raise their children.
It takes time for these Russians became Ukrainians. Surely, less than a hundred years. I believe that this process will be faster if Ukraine will improve financially. If the standard of living in Ukraine is better than in Russia, these „compatriots” no longer want to have any relation to their historical homeland, as world experience shows the Russians.
3) policies of the presidents of the former USSR (Stalin, Kruchev, Gorbachev…) somehow have caused this situation?
- The policies of the presidents of the former USSR caused many other historical events that affected both the Russian people and the people of Ukraine, for example, the Holodomor, in the years 1932-1933 took place throughout the territory of Ukraine and resulted in a significant loss of human lives. At this time, the situation that occurs in the Ukrainian regions have caused those forces which are now in the Kremlin. By the way, talking about those in the Kremlin are all former members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This whole situation is artificially created by the forces of the Kremlin, who manipulate their own people for selfish ends, which are very profitable. First, conquering and uniting the new regions of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, all conquered territories to the Crimea, that the peninsula has a unique border that is Russia. Second, the occupants of the Kremlin are very afraid of repeating of the Maidan in Russia by the Russians themselves nationalists, the vast majority of which supported the Maidan and ATO (Antiterrorists Operation). Not all or even most multicultural swallowed the propaganda trick Kremlin who transformed a sister nation in an illusory enemy of the russian nation.
4) Do you think Putin runs an expansionary economic policy in order to create a geopolitical bloc that, along with China, then the business competition to US-EU axis? What is the role of Ukraine in the conflict?
Putin made a huge strategic error by breaking the rule book of international relations without asking China. Also made it clear that China adheres to principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of any government that respects the independence, sovereignty and territorial value of Ukraine. So I doubt he get it right, what he has planned to do.
5) In your opinion, what changes brought the new president, Petro Poroshenko respect Mr Yanukovich, the former?
- I would say that no noticeable change. We are at war, it is impossible to compare how Yanukovich governed in peacetime and how Poroshenko in wartime. From the beginning, I did not like Poroshenko. It is another oligarch, and that’s not a secret. Clearly, what he wants, is to stop this war either way, even if he have to forfeit the two regions of Donbass for it, which pisses us a lot, because during the last few months our boys were defending Donbass and risking their lives for these regions, thing that they do not have to do, but they do. And Poroshenko plans to give up after all these deaths of both civilians and soldiers and volunteers.
Returning to the comparison of the two oligarchs, keep in mind that Yanukovych is a criminal who was twice in prison and cannot even speak Ukrainian. Instead, Poroshenko speaks fluent English and Ukrainian. Also, I have to admit that if Yanukovych was in place at this moment, of Poroshenko, Ukraine would cease to exist long ago.
However, we are not satisfied with this president. It’s better than Yanukovych, but that’s not the president our country needs right now. We need a leader that puts the Ukrainian people to do anything and everything possible to keep our united and prepared for future threats nation. But of course, this is a personal opinion. All Ukrainians have a different opinion on Poroshenko.
6) What was the trigger for the riots in Kiev? Why the people took to the streets?
- Existing levels of corruption in our country drowned citizens, thousands of people had to go to Eastern Europe to seek a better quality of life (including me and some of my family), but for the rest of the Ukrainians, the EU was the only hope. Just 28 November Yanukovych had to sign an association agreement with the EU, but he did not, which has sparked anger in the monumental thousands of people who believed in a rapprochement with Europe. That was the main trigger that sent everyone out into the streets to protest against the decision unilaterally taken by Yanukovych and his government without taking into account the opinion and choice of most Ukrainians was the association itself. But the real reason was not that Maidan. Or not for long. When the first murder took place, people realized how they really bad living was and the horrible way we were treated by the government. Yanukovych thought killing a Protestant would remove the rest of the activists. But it was not, was at the time, when people decided to stay in Maidan, and not by the EU but by your own country, your own nation. At that time it was when we started our true Revolution
7) Inside war… how the battalions of volunteers were organized? Can you talk briefly about each of them?
- In total there are 37 battalions, besides regional and paramilitary organizations. The most popular, largest and most important are: the battalion „Azov”, „Donbass”, „Aidar” and groups of „Right Sektor”.
The Azov and Right Sector Preview battalions were organized at the time in Maidan, although at that time did not exist as such. That rather was a base through which these battalions later created more easily. SNA (Social-Nationalist Assembly) is the organization that after Maidan and conflict of Crimea, creates the battalion Azov. And Pravyi Sektor create several battalions in every region. They was not very difficult to recruit people, because organizations that were already existed for some time.The battalions that were practically nothing were the battalion Donbass and the battalion Aidar.
The Donbass battalion was created by the National Guard of Ukraine when he had an existing pro-war and pro-Russian Ukrainians. They recruited people from all over Ukraine, but at least 60% of the battalion was formed by citizens of Donetsk region.
The Aidar battalion was created in May 2014 this battalion there are people from all over Ukraine, Lviv from people, even people of Crimea and Lugansk. At the time of the presidential elections, the battalion took care of maintaining order in some regions of Lugansk, for example, which made them quite popular.
8) Battalion Azov seems that is the most controversial of these battalions … its emblem, the fact that recruiting foreign volunteers … how Ukrainians to see this battalion in particular?
- Every Ukrainian is positioned differently on this issue. Some look upon this battalion, others say it could be a threat. And others simply want nothing to do with these kids because they consider them „Nazis” or „neo-Nazi”. These guys may be extremists and radicals and not support National Socialism, for example, but people will confuse them with „Nazis” without really knowing what it is to be a „Nazi.” That happened, happens and will happen.
Especially with people who do not understand about the nationalist movements. Although, quite ironic is that they are those who risk and give their lives for the future of our nation’s most radical right. At first, there were many people who did not understand, had difficulty understanding these radical movements who had never seen before. But now I can say with some tranquility that is a battalion being more admired every day by people, both Ukrainian and foreign.
9) As Ukrainian resident in Spain … how do you think the media „Spanish” are addressing? Do you have little impact compared to the conflict?
- Very little. Of course, depending on what television channels and newspapers. Although all disappointed me, and who report the least often confused concepts, usually positioned in our favor, but often are influenced by Russian propaganda. I think that if you want to learn more about the situation in Ukraine, should seek other sources of information. Although ideally informed of both sides, and draw your own conclusions, trying not to fall into the trap of Russian propaganda in the attempt.
10) From various media accused the Ukrainian nationalists being tools of the European Union, NATO, Zionism, USA … what do you think of it?
- Propaganda and more propaganda. If we were tools of EU, NATO, USA … we would have all these weapons that we requesting for months, all the artillery we asking for months, all that military equipment … but to my knowledge, still fighting with helmets of the year 43, with weapons, clothes, cars, equipment … etc provided by those Ukrainians. If we are being funded by someone, it would be only for our own people. I personally know people who started the revolution of Maidan, I could say more than a thousand cases of nationalists who have never charged a penny for being in Maidan or risk his life for our people and the future of our Nation. In Maidan we were by an Idea, for our nation, for our future, for our dignity. But never about money. As there are still people who say that the Ukrainian soldiers are paid to kill civilians and pro-Russian people. And that’s like … killing civilians for which we have come to risk our lives? Perhaps the loose those lies that people who do not know what is patriotism and what is nationalism. Those people do not know what it is to fight for your people, love and respect the traditions and culture of your country, put all heart and soul into advancing your nation. These people just are not familiar with these ideas, and they are lost cases. They’ll never understand. It is also curious that just those people, who accuses us of committing genocide (another lie of Russian propaganda) for money, are what create such propaganda nothing more and nothing less than the money. A moral person, who knows reason and, most importantly, THINK BY HIMSELF or herself, never would dare to say that we, Ukrainians, assassinate civilians for money. Or that started the revolution for money. And finally, we are not so bad, or they are so good. Perhaps the accusations started by the Orange Revolution, when the United States admitted that wanted to help the Ukrainian people. But this time, it is not the case.
11) What would you say to all those nationalists there in Europe, including Spain, defending Putin and his expansionist policy?
- Nationalists defending Putin and his policies? They can be anyone but not nationalists for sure. He supports a multicultural policy. People who support his ideas can not be described as a nationalists. I would say just that, that adequate nationalists, even in Russia, do not support Putin, sells all his country pieces, each time gets more and more immigrants and fewer and fewer Russians … etc.They simply say that. And that they should go to save the Russians in Donbass and Crimea.